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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Volunteer Spotlight: Lyn Seidel

Lyn volunteers at the Shelter every Wednesday and helps “with the stuff you don’t have time to do, but wish you could get done.” Lyn has kept the Women’s Clothing room looking fabulous since she started, and has recently started in on the Children’s Clothing room. Lyn is punctual, reliable, easy going, and very willing to work hard and give of her time. Lyn is such a warm hearted woman and we adore her and the energy she brings. Lyn also helps at the Transitional Housing Program with gardening and with special holiday events as they come up.
Why do you volunteer at New Beginnings? What do you like most about volunteering here?

I was abused at one time and received help in another state. When I retired in 2007, I needed something to do so I found New Beginnings so I could give back and help others with the same kind of help I had in the past.

I like the people at New Beginnings. All of the people I have worked with are so nice and appreciative of any help I give that you can’t help but feel you’re doing good helping others out. When co-facilitating, the women would tell their story and you could see in their eyes the pain and agony they were going through. Through time, you could actually watch the room and see the woman become whole people again. They blossomed and they were able to go out and do life again. It was so gratifying to be around those women. They did more for me than I did for them in watching them grow. New Beginnings’ advocates take someone truly wounded and teach them to be healthy and productive – watching this whole process was amazing.

Do you have any pets?
I have a nine-year-old West Highland Terrier named Saill, pronounced "si" which is Gaelic for salt. We also have a 13-year-old cat with a salt & pepper coat so we named her Pepper. So, salt & pepper :)

What do you do when you’re not volunteering?

I liked to cook from scratch, knit, sew, spend time with friends. I also ready every day and if I don’t one day, I feel like something is missing.

What do you know now about domestic violence that you didn’t know when you first started volunteering?

Not too much because I lived through it. The part about domestic violence that is so amazing to me is a common belief that after a woman leaves her abuser everything will immediately return to normal. They don’t understand that you have to heal and re-learn and grow back again and it’s long hard process. There’s a lack of understanding that it takes a lot of time to heal.

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

The thing that really bugs me most is those that don’t want to grow and change. If you can’t grow and change every day you become a brittle person and you can break. You need to be able to bend and grow every day.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Never stay angry. If you are angry you become angry and no one wants to be around an angry person.

Anything else you’d like to share with other volunteers?
All the volunteers are really valuable people. Any little bit they do is always appreciated, needed and valued.

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