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Thursday, March 10, 2011

That's Pretty Low

[It's like the kids at the Sea-Tac airport who harass passersby asking for "donations" for a local school]

Hey folks, a word from our Executive Director about a current scam going around:
A group calling itself Project Reach (led by Minister Herman Akins) is soliciting cash donations for domestic violence. They are currently operating on Whidbey Island, but I expect will be operating in other areas in the future, since they are advertising themselves as a statewide group. A complaint has made to the Attorney General’s office, and one of the local TV stations that did an investigation on a similar-sounding group a few years ago is starting another investigation.

Since the group is listing New Beginnings as a resource, I wanted to make sure that you knew that New Beginnings is not soliciting donations door-to-door or in parking lots, nor are we the recipient of such donations.

Please let me know if you receive any calls on the Help Line regarding the group, or if you spot them in Seattle.
Yikes. Say it with me now, That's Pretty Low!


  1. The "Project Reach" folks have been camped outside the Queen Anne Trader Joes this week. I confronted them about not being a legit dv organization and of course they denied the whole thing. I have contacted Trader Joes management and the AG's office and King 5 news. Hopefully they get shut down soon. I have heard that they have been bragging about how much money they are scamming off of people.

  2. @Anonymous: Thanks for taking a stand and letting them know! Also that's a great idea about informing the TJ management, the AG and King 5.

  3. The people that are at Trader Joe's are unaware that they are involved in anything crooked. I've spoken with the woman there many times, I'm a regular at that Trader Joe's, and she gladly gave me Herman Akins' name to contact him regarding advertising. She has no idea there is anything up.

  4. That is very sad news. It's highly likely that these women don't know that it's a sham or do know but are being coerced by "Herman."
