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Monday, March 28, 2011

February Volunteer of the Month! - Ally Jurkovich

[All right meow, hand over your license and registration]

Hey folks, we're very proud to announce our February Volunteer of the Month winner - Ally Jurkovich! Ally has been with New Beginnings for about a year volunteering on New Beginnings' 24 Hour Help Line as well as speaking at fundraisers, hosting an information booth as well as slew of other volunteer duties. Here's what some of our staff had to say about her:
It has been inspiring to watch Ally as a volunteer. Her passion to be involved in this work was evident from day one in volunteer training. She embodies the term fearlessness and is always ready to step up especially in new and innovative ways. We are fortunate to have Ally and her wonderful spirit volunteering at NB...Ally has been volunteering on our helpline for about a year now.  She works two mornings a week, and she always brings a bright smile and her amazing positive energy.  Sometimes she even brings the latest issue of People Magazine!!  In addition to just being totally cool, Ally is also amazing at answering calls on our helpline.  She provides survivors with a calm, listening ear and always makes sure that their needs are met before ending the phone call.  We appreciate Ally’s smiling face and her warm heart, and she brings so much to our agency.  We are lucky to have her with us twice a week!

Q: Who are you and what do you do outside of New Beginnings?
A: My name is Allison Jurkovich but everyone calls me Ally :) I'm 23 and have been living in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood for the past two years. I graduated from Occidental College in Los Angeles in 2009 with a degree in Gender Studies and am looking forward to starting graduate school this fall! I'm currently working part time as a nanny until I start school for my MA in Social Work. I'm in the middle of trying to figure out what school and which city I will be in, but really excited for the future!

Q: Why is it important for you to volunteer for New Beginnings?
A: When I first started working at New Beginnings and looking into graduate schools I thought a lot about why I've chosen Domestic Violence work as my path in life. As a Gender Studies major I am well versed in the realities of gendered inequalities and the need for women's empowerment. But it wasn't until this year that I was able to clearly articulate the need for DV programs. While gender inequality continues to permeate society, it is in less obvious forms than our foremothers had to contend with. Domestic violence unfortunately pervades as the single most offensive and blatant form of gender discrimination. Violence against women is a harsh reality that too often gets swept under the rug as we march into what many consider and egalitarian, gender-blind culture. What's worse is that DV permeates all aspects of women's realities- their economic, social, cultural, and legal existence- making it more than an issue but a priority.

Through New Beginnings, I have had the opportunity to see how these various systems affect our day to day lives. And now as we venture into a sobering world of budget cuts I see the position of volunteers as fundamental to this progress. I am proud to be a member of New Beginnings and so honored and touched by this award.

Q: Our next Volunteer Training is coming up. Thinking back when you were in the training, what stood out?
A: The thing that I remember most is the women in my classes. I learned so much from each of them. Each woman has a unique experience with and passion for DV work. And like working on the help line, speaking with different women has allowed me to travel above and beyond a theoretical understanding of violence against women and into a world where each story puts a face to the epidemic. In a film by Styajit Ray there is a quote that says "there is something to be said about creating beauty in the circumstances of shoddiness and privation that is truly exciting.” I like to think of this as my DV mantra. Because more than anything, this whole experience has been empowering and I am so excited for the new volunteers to experience this too!

Q: If you’re on Facebook, what’s the last thing you “Liked”?
A: The last thing I "liked" was a picture my older sister Jessica posted of my little sister Chelsea and I sitting on a dock on the north end of Mercer Island. It's a really beautiful picture and a wonderful memory. I'm very lucky to have such a supportive family.

Q: If you were on The Amazing Race, who would be your partner?
A: I know myself well enough to say I would never be on The Amazing Race... but if I could swing it I'd get Gloria Steinem on my team, the woman has some serious ovaries!

Q: What’s your favorite thing to do in Seattle during the Spring?
A: Like most Seattleites, the second the sun hits the city I'm outside. So that being said, my favorite thing to do in Seattle during the Spring combines two great NW loves: the sun and microbrews. Happy hour on the deck anyone?

Q: Anything else you’d like to say to the millions watching at home?
A: Be the best citizen of this world as you can- we only have one earth and you only get one shot.


That's right, folks. As they say in the movies, "This aint no video game!"

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