Upcoming Events

Monday, August 16, 2010

July Volunteer of the Month - Kalie Karin Aldrich

[Steps Against DV FTW!]

Hey folks, we're very proud to announce the July Volunteer of the Month at New Beginnings: Kalie Karin Aldrich!

Kalie has been a childcare volunteer at our Transitional Housing Program for several years and here's what our staff had to say about her:

"Kalie is incredible!! She is compassionate and truly comes because she cares so much about the children. She has been volunteering for a few years now at THP. She steps up to the plate whenever we need extra assistance. She helped do an extra childcare shift last year so we could have a parenting group; she comes on field trips and has helped with other special THP events...Also every time she comes through the door at THP she is carrying an armload of donations. These are not things I tell her we need they are things she sees that the program needs. With her own money she has purchased snacks, skateboards, toys and games, dress up clothes for childcare, and children’s clothes, underwear and hygiene products for the families...I really see her as a shining example of the kind of dedicated volunteers who make our programs possible."

We had a Q&A with Kalie after presenting her with the award:

Q: Who are you and what do you do?

A: Kalie, I do childcare at THP on Monday’s and sometimes do summer field trips or other events. I plan to start [volunteering] at shelter this fall.

Q: Why do you volunteer for New Beginnings?
A: I wanted to help in the fight to stop violence against women, and I wanted to work with children. I heard about New Beginnings from a couple people and it sounded perfect. I’m glad I chose NB I love the kids and the workers! It’s a great place to volunteer.

Q: What’s your favorite hobby/sport/free time activity when you’re not volunteering?
A: I love to go for walks and runs with my dog. I also like scrap booking it really relaxes me.

Q: If you were stuck on a desert island and could only bring three things, what would they be?
A: Lots of water, lots of food, and my dog Olina.

Q: Favorite place to visit in Seattle?
A: Ballard, I love the atmosphere.

Q: Anything you’d like to say to the millions watching at home?
A: Volunteer!!

Kalie, your prize and certificate of achievement are coming your way! Thanks for all you do!

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