Upcoming Events

Monday, August 30, 2010

Fall Volunteer Training!

[If you look at Figure 1.89 B Article IV bullet point 2...]

Hey folks, just a heads up that we're holding our next volunteer training group starting in October. It goes from October 5th to November 11th, each Tuesday and Thursday from 6-9pm. If you have a friend who is interested in volunteering, please do us a favor and forward them over to our website address! If you missed any of the trainings or would like a refresher, feel free to attend any of the following. Please do, however, let me know so we know how many to expect:

October 5th (Tuesday) - Understanding DV
October 7th (Thursday) - Teen Dating Violence
October 12th (Tuesday) - Help Line I
October 14th (Thursday) - Help Line II
October 19th (Tuesday) - Sexual Assault and DV
October 21st (Thursday) - Chemical Depedency and DV
October 26th (Tuesday) - Children's and Teen's Issues
October 28th (Thursday) - Suicide Intervention
November 2nd (Tuesday) - Creating Social Justice I
November 4th (Thursday) - Creating Social Justice II
November 9th (Tuesday) - Legal Advocacy
November 11th (Thursday) - In Her Shoes/Survivor's Panel

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