Upcoming Events

Monday, March 16, 2015

Thank You to New Beginnings' Amazing Legal Clinic Volunteer Advocate, Laura Rejeske!

Laura Rejeske has been a phenomenal clinic volunteer.  She has gone above and beyond and driven well over an hour to cover volunteer shifts when needed, and regularly volunteers twice a month at clinic.  The clients at legal clinic enjoy working with her and she is great at training and supporting new volunteers.  
–Kim Morrill, Legal Advocate

What do you do as a volunteer at New Beginnings? What does a typical shift look like?
I volunteer as an advocate at the Neighborhood Legal Clinic, supporting clients and volunteer attorneys working through DV related legal issues. A typical evening begins by reviewing and preparing any necessary paperwork for the night's session, greeting clients and walking them through the client intake process - where we ensure they are best prepared to make the most of their appointment time with the volunteer attorney. Throughout the appointment, volunteer advocates may help locate necessary legal forms online, or provide other support the attorney needs. At the end of the attorney session, we'll go through an exit interview with the client, making sure they understand their next steps, have outstanding questions answered, and/or are aware of other resources available to them before escorting the client out.

How have you been challenged within your position?
I am happily challenged and rewarded within this position, there is always something new to learn - legal updates or news relevant to DV, local challenges and opportunities within the justice system, and so much that I learn from Kim, our legal advocate, and the other volunteers.

How did you come to want to volunteer for New Beginnings?
I have been interested in volunteering to support DV survivors and causes for many years, and came to know another volunteer who directed me to NB and Erin. I've been glad I did ever since!

What do you know now about domestic violence that you didn't know when you first started volunteering?
I continue to be amazed at how much awareness and understanding of DV issues needs to take place in our towns, society and the world - and how much difference sharing some of that information, even in small ways, can make in changing behaviors and views. We all need to do what's possible to effect change!

Is there a quote or sentence that helps guide you in life? Anything else you'd like to share with other volunteers?
Many - but the one that is taped to my bathroom mirror as a daily reminder is "Awaken, and dance with your dreams," by the poet Nicholas Kirsten-Honshin.

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