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Monday, August 11, 2014

Gary Fixes, Buffs, Repairs and Builds Beautiful Things At Shelter!

We are excited to feature Gary Nichols for our Volunteer Spotlight!  He is a great volunteer and has become a good friend.  His experience and wisdom is valued at shelter. I know I can count on Gary as my go-to guy if I’m ever stuck on how to approach a repair or want to take on a home improvement project at shelter! Gary has saved shelter a lot of money by sharing his experience and contacts.  Here are just a few of the countless repairs he’s helped with:  Diagnosed and repaired the oven, repaired the fence that blew over in the wind storm, built new storage area shelves, replaced lights, painted rooms, assisted in building an outdoor shelter, fixed the dryer, unclogged the washer, and of course helped refinish our now beautiful stairs at shelter. Gary has donated tools from home that make maintenance around shelter so much easier. In addition to his hard work, we love having him around! His personality and jokes keep staff smiling and he has worked his way into the hearts all those who have had the pleasure of working with him.  The photos show before and after pictures of our stair project that we have finally finished!   -Joseph Sigala, Shelter Facilities Coordinator

New Beginnings:  What do you do as a volunteer at New Beginnings?  What does a typical shift look like?
Gary: In short, fix things that are broken or are in need of maintenance. There really is no typical shift. Nearly every one is different unless we are working on an extended maintenance project.

New Beginnings: What’s your favorite part about volunteering at shelter?
Gary: I would have to say that my favorite part of volunteering at the shelter is being able to know and interact with the staff. People who have to deal with the realities of domestic violence day after day, are among the most understanding, kind and caring one could meet. They are a pleasure to know and work with.

New Beginnings: Why is Domestic Violence an important issue to you?
Gary: Domestic Violence is not something that I have had to live with personally, but I have known some who did. If for the victims (especially the children), I can help make their temporary living conditions just a little better, then I want to help do what I can.

New Beginnings: What do you do when you’re not volunteering?

Gary: Outside of volunteering at New Beginnings, I am a volunteer tutor for Catholic Community Services' Youth Tutoring Program. I mainly tutor high school students in math subjects along with some science subjects.  I enjoy studying math and science and enjoy passing along whatever I can to the kids. It is gratifying to see students that I have tutored, sometimes starting in middle school, graduate from high school and go on to college.

New Beginnings:  Anything else you would like to share or tell new volunteers?

Gary: For new volunteers I would say that for just about any skills you might have, New Beginnings will be able to utilize them. And you can pick whatever hours and days that fit your schedule to volunteer.

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