Upcoming Events

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Volunteer Spotlight is on Heidi Schwartz!

Heidi has been volunteering in childcare at the Community Advocacy Program for 8 months, during which time she has been a tremendous help and support for both staff and families. Heidi’s dedication, great leadership skills, ability to work well with kids, and kindness are just a few of the qualities that make her a fantastic volunteer. Thanks for all you do Heidi!

Q. What’s a typical volunteer shift like for you?

R. A typical volunteer shift starts with seeing which kids will be in childcare. I like to get along side them and join them in whatever they want to do. It's fun to get on their level and just listen to them and play! We make sure they are engaged in activities, are fed snack and are kept safe until their moms come back from their support group.

Q. What have the children taught you if anything in your volunteer role?

R. The kids teach me how to be present, to be intuitive, and how to listen. I love to just put myself aside and be with them, doing what they like to do! It's fun to be tuned in to their energy :)

Q. What’s the best thing or funniest thing that’s happened to you while volunteering?

R. The most rewarding thing that has happened while volunteering was at CAP when we had a full group of really young kids. We were short on adults, so the moms would take turns helping in childcare. One baby was really fussy and we all passed him around and tried to sooth him. I love the way we all worked together to figure this little guy out! One mom applied something that she learned recently in a parenting class. She was unsure of herself, but worked with the baby and persisted and finally, after crying for about an hour and a half, the baby was soothed!! It was really beautiful to see this mom be successful. I was honored to be there!!

Q. What do you want to say to people who might be interested in volunteering in childcare?

R. It's awesome to see moms getting strong through attending support groups. If they know their kids will be cared for in a safe, fun environment, they will be more likely to go to groups :)

Q. What’s one thing New Beginnings’ staff doesn’t know about you?

R. Something you might not know about me is that I am in love with my pit bull!!

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