Upcoming Events

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Volunteer of the Month: Samantha Swart

Samantha has performed above and beyond normal volunteerism! Sam began her volunteerism with New Beginnings providing child care coverage for women in our program while their mother’s attended group. Working with the children also sparked an interest in her and inspired her to work with their mothers. After about a year of working with the children, she started her
co-facilitating training and quickly caught on. Over this past holiday season Sam and her housemates created all kinds of home crafted items for giveaways for the women in our groups too! In addition to all that, Sam has helped to develop a DV 101 curriculum specifically for the Wednesday night support group and helped to create notebooks for each participant! Sam is moving on, aspiring to bigger goals in her life. We are sad for us, but excited for Sam. As you can see Samantha has been a gem of a volunteer!

What’s your favorite thing about volunteering at New Beginnings? It has been neat getting to know other like-minded people who want to help spread the message that society should not accept domestic violence as a normal part of human relationships. I've also immensely enjoyed the opportunity to listen to the stories of men and women who have survived a domestic violence relationship(s). By allowing a safe space for these discussions, New Beginnings staff and clients have helped me better understand and appreciate the pivotal role this organization plays in 1)helping to inform others about domestic violence and 2)how to receive care if you have experienced trauma. Through volunteering, I have hope that social change is happening and will continue to mold and shape the future for the next generation.

What’s your dream job? How has your volunteer experience prepared you for this dream if at all? My dream job would be helping to build a bridge between various faith communities and the efforts to stop domestic violence. For some, the church has re-enforced certain beliefs about spousal abuse, strict gender roles and the conditions under which someone may leave a relationship. I hope to come alongside local faith leaders by providing tools with which they can use to speak out against domestic violence from the pulpit, participate in candid discussions with members of their congregation and gain access to information about local domestic violence organizations and the services they provide.

Volunteering at New Beginnings has inspired me to continue taking the steps necessary for my "Dream job" to become a reality. I've been interested in participating in the dialogue between faith communities and domestic violence, but this organization has helped me to feel more prepared for a job like that- through training, information about resources available in Washington and the non-stop encouragement and support I received when I wanted to explore a few different volunteer positions. So there is this ripple effect that's happening at NB because they've helped empower their staff, then volunteers and now I can take what I've learned and use it in other areas of my life as well. I'm hoping I can inspire the sort of learning and listening in others that my experience with NB has taught me.

What’s your favorite joke or saying? Human kind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle 1854

Do you have a favorite restaurant in Seattle? My favorite little breakfast spot is Oddfellows in Capital Hill. Their omelets are delicious!

Do you have a preferred website you like to visit? I've definitely taken to looking for neat ideas/ wasting time on Pinterest

Love or hate Miracle Whip? I mean...I wouldn't mind if some ended up on top of my apple cobbler

What’s one thing you didn’t know about domestic violence that you now know after volunteering? Before I started volunteering, I had a preconceived notion that domestic violence only happens to people who have low self esteem- certainly not people who are strong, independent and financially stable. After working in a few different outreach areas of New Beginnings and listening to some amazing stories, I realized that domestic violence can effect anyone- regardless of race, class, sex or personality type. People from all walks of life can experience violence- there isn't a tell-tale formula for who is immune and who is most susceptible. I'm so thankful for those who have shared their stories with me because now I understand that survivors of domestic violence come from different backgrounds, each with a voice to tell his/her particular story.


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