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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

November Volunteer of the Month - Shelley McIntyre!

[I'm pretty sure Dr. Pepper was a dentist]

We're very proud to announce the November Volunteer of the Month - Shelley McIntyre! Shelley has been with New Beginnings since January of 2010 and here's what our staff had to say about her:

"I can count on Shelley to do everything from answer the crisis line, take residents to the pantry or clothing room, organize and restock our linens and toiletries, and work with residents as a second advocate. She doesn't shy away from anything...Shelley brings a freshness with her, and always has myself and the residents smiling. She has been such an asset to our shelter program, and I am so grateful to have her! I can't think of a better volunteer for the month!"

We had a chance to chat with Shelley after presenting her with the award:

Q: Who are you and what do you do (outside of New Beginnings)?
A: I'm a daughter/sister/auntie/friend who has lived in Seattle for 15 years. By day I'm a project manager for a mobile ad agency, and I also do some voice acting. I like seeing music and theater shows, spending time with friends, traveling, and writing.

Q: Is there a memorable experience you can share from your time volunteering at shelter?
A: Most of the memorable experiences at the shelter come when I wrangle multiple toddlers at once--those are workout nights for sure. Also memorable was the night that I primed the shelter office by myself. I couldn't lift my arms the next day.

Q: Why do you volunteer for New Beginnings?
A: Because domestic violence is a horrible issue that doesn't seem to be going away, and I thought I could be useful to people who are grappling with its consequences. Plus, I wanted to do something that was totally opposite from my day job.

Q: What’s your favorite holiday song?
A: While not technically a holiday song, this year I'm loving "Sometimes You Have to Work On Christmas" by Harvey Danger. And I always love "Let it Snow" when I can sing it and not experience it.

Will: 'Ballad.' Who knows what this word means? Brittany: It's a male duck.
Q: Who’s your favorite television or film character?
A: At the moment, Brittany on Glee. She is a comedic genius.

Q: Let’s say you’re at a buffet with all the food in the world imaginable, what’s on your plate?
A: That would be a long buffet! I'd like hamachi kama (yellowtail collar) from Maui, Spanish tortilla from Valencia, Spain, asparagus from our lovely state, chocolate souffle from Paris, and pinot noir from Oregon.

Q: Anything you’d like to say to the millions watching at home?
A: I love that New Beginnings is part of my life and my routine, and I really like the people I work with (shout out to Astrid). I've learned a lot, and there is much more I can be doing. Thanks for this recognition!


Thank you Shelley for all of your hard work!

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