Upcoming Events

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Help Line Needs Your Help!

[One of the most important services we offer]

Hey folks, we currently need Volunteers for our Help Line.

The 24-hour Help Line at New Beginnings is in many ways the bread and butter of what we as an organization are all about. We rely heavily on volunteers to provide services to those in the community.

There are lots of different shifts available. We do prefer that volunteers commit to a "chunk"--say every Thursday afternoon for a month--but we'll work with your schedule. Whether you can commit to 3 months on the Help Line or 3 weeks, every shift you staff means a lot to us and our callers.

Shifts in our Community Advocacy Program (CAP) are divided by AM shifts (9am-1pm) and PM shifts (1pm-5pm) at our confidential location in Seattle.

Right now we need volunteers for:
  • Mondays, PM shifts 
  • Tuesdays, AM shifts
  • Thursdays, AM and PM shifts
  • Fridays, AM and PM shifts
If you'd like to help out, please let me know in the comments or via email listing in order of preference, the shifts you can volunteer for.

Please remember that this is for volunteers who have completed our training and have volunteered on the Help Line previously. If you have completed the training but have not volunteered on the Help Line before but want to get started, let me know as well.

New Beginnings Auction & Gala 2010 - Thank You!

[The Dessert Dash table presents: The Calm Before The Storm]

Hey all, a big thank you to everyone who supported us on Saturday for our annual Auction/Gala. From our fabulous Gala Committee, to our staff and board members, to the Olive 8 crew and everyone who came out in support, we can't thank everyone enough.

A special shout-out to our dedicated volunteer...
-Live Auction Spotters who were there feverishly shaking wands and handing out green feather boas despite having feathers flying all in their eyes and ears.
-Greeters who made guests feel warmly invited the second they walked into the Olive 8.
-Golden Ticket Sellers who wore the a size-too-small gold hats and still sold tickets like mad. 
-Live Auction Runners who made like Usain Bolt and sprinted to get winning bids to our computers. 
-Guest Registration and Inivtation packaging teams who, despite all forms of papercuts, stuffed envelopes and put together packets like nobody's business. 
-Silent Auction folks who recreated the inner workings of a frenzied yet organized and efficient beehive in sorting, packaging and gathering items ranging from a GT Express Cooker(?!) to an autographed Sue Bird jersey. 
-Ambassadors in the community. Whether you told your friend about New Beginnings or commented on our Facebook page, it is through our collective action that we were able to make it all happen that night. 

There will be more updates and recaps on our website and Facebook page but the highlights of the night (for me at least) were:
3. The Dessert Dash was a big crowd-pleaser. I haven't seen people move that fast since the midnight Christmas sale at Wal-Mart. A volunteer who shall remain nameless asked me if it'd be wrong to "accidentally" trip someone to steal their five layer chocolate cake. For the record, I did say it would be wrong.
2. The auctioneer for the night, Larry Snyder, who was an endless source of jokes and one-liners to our volunteers and staff. I now know how to say the plural form of "y'all" - "All y'all." 
1. A very emotional speech by a survivor of domestic violence. It was really touching to see her friends, family and her New Beginnings Advocate, Veronica, there to support her. In many ways the night was really about her story.   

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Volunteers needed ASAP!

[That's right, we're looking at you!]

Hey everyone, with our latest DV Volunteer Training quickly approaching, one urgent need we have is for childcare volunteers starting next week! We currently have folks volunteering their time as childcare volunteers but they'll be attending our DV training and thus unable to volunteer on certain days. This is where you come in! We need volunteers to assist in providing childcare on Tuesdays specifically (we also need volunteers for wed-thurs so if you're looking to get back into volunteering in that way, let us know also).

This is one of the most basic and underrated needs we have at New Beginnings. As I'm sure many of you are familiar with, New Beginnings provides no-cost childcare to mothers when they are attending our support group or parenting classes. If this wasn't a service we provided, many participants wouldn't be able to attend and receive support. If we didn't have the best Child Advocates and volunteers in the world, parents wouldn't come back if they didn't feel their child/ren were safe and comfortable here. It's a small way to help out with something very big.

Volunteer shifts are Tuesdays from 6-8pm at our confidential location in Seattle.

Let me know via email or in the comments if you're available!


Monday, May 17, 2010

Suggestions/Tips for Volunteers in Training and a Lilith Fair Request

[Volunteers volunteering their advice to other volunteers]

Hey everyone, I have two favors to ask (on a Monday morning no less!). One: Our latest group of Volunteers in Training (Class of Summer 2010!) is geared up and ready to go starting May 25th and I think it'd be great to hear from volunteers that have been through the training before: What advice would you give to the new class? What tips/suggestions do you have for those who are about to start our DV Volunteer Training?

Let us know in the comments and I'll send them to the new group. Your input is appreciated!


Two: We need your help with to put New Beginnings on the map to potentially receive a big donation from  the newly revived Lilith Fair!

Lilith Fair (coming to the Gorge Amphitheatre on July 3rd) has a Choose Your Charity contest. In each area on the tour, five groups have been selected from a list of nominees to receive $1 for each ticket sold (potentially $20,000!). We are on the Seattle list. Facebook users can vote until May 31 for the group of their choice. The final winner will be selected by Sarah McLachlan and company from the top three. It's kind of like American Idol, except this time Simon, Randy and Paula Ellen are the ones deciding who wins it all but we need your support to be in the running.

The steps: become a fan of Lilith Fair on Facebook, click on the “Choose Yours” tab at the top of the page, select Seattle, then select New Beginnings. It’s that easy! Click here: http://www.facebook.com/lilithfairtour to participate.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Card Making Fun!

[Give Hallmark a run for their money]

Hey folks, we've got a fun opportunity brought to you by a group of women from Northwest Church in Shoreline. On June 21st from 7-8:30pm we'll be getting crafty and making cards for New Beginnings. Cards can be used to give to women and children at our shelter and transitional housing program or to send to donors and supporters of New Beginnings(Please note, these will not be cards made specifically for certain people. Rather, they will be "Happy Birthday" or "Thanks You" cards made just like one might buy from Hallmark or Papyrus).

Cards are so simple yet can mean so much and now is your chance to create one of your own to give back!

Donna and her friends from NW Church will be bringing all the materials. All you have to do is bring your ideas and creativity. We'll be meeting at the N.B. office and only 12 spots available. Comment below to reserve your spot and contact me directly for directions!  


Monday, May 10, 2010

NB on King 5's New Day Northwest

[Shout-out to Margaret Larson for years of support!]

We were featured on King 5's New Day Northwest! Check out the clip here:

Volunteer Training Makeup Days

[I promise our training is more engaging than the guy in the brown sweater indicates]

Hey folks, a quick note: If you've taken our Domestic Violence Volunteer training in the past and missed one or two (or three!?) days and are looking to make those up, now is your chance. Our Spring/Summer DVVT is quickly approaching and we've got our schedule lined up. Please take a look at the dates/times below and RSVP by emailing me (or commenting below) with which you'll be attending. Please remember to bring your training manual to the trainings as well. Note: this is not for people that are new to New Beginnings and have never participated in the trainings before!

May 25th (Tuesday 6-9pm) Understanding Domestic Violence
May 27th (Thursday 6-8pm) Sexual Assault
June 1st (Tuesday 6-9pm) Teen Dating Violence/Boundaries
June 3rd (Thursday 6-9pm) Suicide Intervention
June 8th (Tuesday 6-9pm) Creating Social Justice I
June 10th (Thursday 6-9pm) Creating Social Justice II
June 15th (Tuesday 6-9pm) Help Line I
June 17th (Thursday 6-9pm) Help Line II
June 22nd (Tuesday 6-9pm) Children’s and Teen’s Issues
June 24th (Thursday 6-9pm) Chemical Dependency and DV
June 29th (Tuesday 6-9pm) Legal Advocacy
July 1st (Thursday 6-9pm) Potluck, “In Her Shoes” and graduation.


New Beginnings Recipient of Local Elementary School Penny Drive

[Putting the change literally in Social Change]

Hey everyone, a few weeks ago we received word that a local elementary school had chosen New Beginnings (among several other charities) as a recipient of their school-wide Penny Drive for non-profit organizations chosen by students.

The amount raised by the students is incredible ($200, all from pennies!) and is heartwarming to learn about. On May 28nd at 2:30pm, I'll be there to receive the donation and will also be presenting a certificate of appreciation to the school and students who nominated New Beginnings. It'd be great to have one volunteer to join me in thanking the students--don't worry, you won't have to speak if you don't want to!

Please comment below if you'd like to come!


Friday, May 7, 2010

A new beginning!

Hey everyone!

Some of the most consistent feedback we've received from our closest supporters was that they wished there was an easier way to stay connected with New Beginnings and with each other.

Whether as volunteers, staff, donors, or committee members, when we are all better connected we can more effectively serve those around us. With that in mind, this online hub is focused on the volunteer and supporter community.

What's in store: A simpler way to keep up to date with new volunteer opportunities, agency events, trainings, to share your volunteer experiences as well as a way to stay connected with others and much more.
  • Have you been unable to volunteer in the past but have more opportunities to do so now? Be in-the-know here with what's needed.
  • From our annual gala/auction to local community events, we'll keep you posted with where New Beginnings will be and where you're needed.
  • On-going training and education is key: New Beginnings offers all volunteers a unique training once-a-month that enriches your abilities as a volunteer and advocate. Learn more by visiting often.
  • This online hub can also serve to re-connect volunteers together. Want to reminisce with your volunteer training cohort from the Summer of 2005? This is your platform.
  • Share your stories: while being sensitive to the confidentiality of volunteer work at New Beginnings, share with others about your experiences as a volunteer and hear from other volunteers as well.
  • A space for Social Change: Last but certainly not least is New Beginnings' exciting Social Change Program. Social Change means getting out into the community at fairs, fundraisers parades and events to bring awareness to domestic violence and to engage our neighborhoods on the local level.
So your part as a volunteer from here on out is simple: visit our blog often and stay up-to-date with the latest news. We'll be in the need for volunteers whether it's to table at events, staff our Help Lines or provide childcare assistance. And we also have a request for all volunteers: be our eyes and ears in the community! Know about a local event we should be at? Have a friend who is interested in receiving our Domestic Violence Volunteer training? Point them in our direction.
We're excited to launch this platform to benefit the folks that keep New Beginnings going strong--our volunteers! Please join us!


Luke Lee
Community Engagement Coordinator