Upcoming Events

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy National Volunteer Week!

We want to say THANK YOU for your volunteer service to New Beginnings

In 2011, here's what you helped make happen:
  • On average, 700 Help Line calls were answered each month
  • 220 women and children were housed at the shelter & 64 at Transitional Housing
  • 800 moms attended one of five support groups offered each week or meet with their advocate while you provided childcare
  • 4,000 children and adults were educated on domestic violence through tabling, special events, middle school groups or trainings
Please enjoy this slideshow we put together in honor of you. Thank you for being there for those experiencing domestic violence. We could not reach as many families without your support.


New Beginnings’ Volunteer Supervisors

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Volunteer of the Month: Shelley McIntyre

Shelley is my Tuesday evening pick-me-up. She comes to shelter enthusiastic and energized, always looking for a way to contribute. She is what allows me to have a group in the evening, by watching the phones and the door, and even entertaining kids while their Moms are in group with me. She will do anything from filing to painting with the kids, and never says “no” to a project. If we don’t have something in mind for her to work on, she will find it! She is also keenly aware of our needs, and fills them by bringing in clothes donations (and even fashion consulting with residents), stocking our art supplies, and even fueling us with cookies on really tough nights. Shelley is a shelter goddess!    –Shelter Women’s Advocate

What do you do as a volunteer and what do you like most?
Each week I come to the emergency shelter to answer the crisis line, run errands for the residents, and help out wherever needed. My favorite thing to do is to host painting parties with the kids. It's a time that they can express themselves creatively and talk about things in a safe environment.

What do you do when you’re not volunteering?
I work at a little consulting company on a giant educational technology project.

What do you know now about domestic violence that you didn’t know when you first started volunteering?
That DV can affect everyone from all classes and backgrounds. I've talked to women on the phone and at shelter who had degrees in psychology, who had worked as counselors themselves, who have counseled other women about DV. It can happen, and sometimes the biggest challenge for women is to recognize the DV, stop judging themselves, and take steps to get safe.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Question your assumptions, not your instincts.

Anything else you’d like to share with other volunteers?
Volunteering at New Beginnings each week is incredibly fulfilling, and I love having direct contact with clients. If you're just finishing up your training, plan on making a volunteer shift part of your calendar. It's a time commitment, but it's worth it. And the staff at shelter and admin truly appreciate your efforts.